ruina: resources for the forgotten ruins
resource list for the rpg maker 2000 game entitled ruina: fairy tale of the forgotten ruins (ruina 廃都の物語)
(last updated august 5 2024)
"who is this for?"
mostly for people who have already downloaded and played through (or are currently playing through) the fan-translated english version of the game and want to know more stuff about it.
"i want to play it!"
download the full EN game here!although it comes pre-packaged with easyRPG player, i wrote a little about which version to use with the EN fan translation here. tl;dr: for new players, the one that comes pre-packaged with the game is just fine, but you might want to try another version later.
"i want to share a resource with you! / i need some help with the game!"
shout into the void on twitter/x while mentioning the game's full title, or post on r/ruinarpg and there's a 50% chance i'll show up like syphon "asking" for the dead book. if you hate both of those websites, i apologizeif there are any other EN ruina-related communities out there, i haven't found them (yet.)
"i heard there was a novel?"
there are two volumes and they're only available in JP as far as i know. i don't have them (yet.) so i can't write a guide on how to purchase them, but you may know more about ordering online than i do, so:- you can buy them on bookwalker (JP) here
- or from amazon (JP) here
"there's a remake announcement!"
this site is only for information on the original free game and not updates on the remake, but have these links:- watch the trailer here
- dengeki online (JP) article on the announcement here
- gematsu (EN) article on the announcement here
- 4gamer (JP) article on the TGS 2023 demo here
the actual resources:
fan content in EN that may be of interest:
let's play ruina! (somethingawful LP)
can function as a guide if you don't want to dig through the JP wiki, and has a bunch of nice notes on things that got lost in translation.
has some nice information about the lore in case you missed stuff (spoilers for all the routes, of course). character tropes are here. i cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information in these pages.